Question: 1 / 230

What should you know when a heavy vehicle approaches you from behind while driving downhill?

Heavy vehicles always speed down hills

You have the right of way

You may have to move out of the heavy vehicle's way

When a heavy vehicle approaches you from behind while driving downhill, it's crucial to recognize that these vehicles have significant mass and momentum, especially when descending. A heavy vehicle can quickly gain speed and may not be able to stop or maneuver as easily as lighter vehicles. Therefore, if a heavy vehicle is closing in on you, it may be necessary for you to adjust your position on the road to allow it more space. This could mean moving to the side or creating additional distance between you and the heavy vehicle. Understanding that heavy vehicles can be challenging to control, especially on inclines, emphasizes the importance of maintaining safety and being aware of your surroundings. It is better to prioritize safety by making room for a heavy vehicle than insisting on your position on the road, which could lead to dangerous situations.

Always drive on the left side of the highway


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